
Your Roadmap Thru a Mid Mod Remodel You Can Love

2 min readI made this for you: a roadmap you can use to plan a remodel that will be flexible through changing circumstances.

I thought about calling calling this weeks episode a guide to get you to your ideal remodel but in actual fact … its much more a roadmap through the remodel process. 

Today I want to share with you the steps I see as absolutely essential when you’re planning an update for your mid-century ranch.  

This is going to be a lot. Here’s an outline of the podcast’s topic … but if you want the goods, I made a special pdf download to get you all the goods in one spot. Grab your Roadmap RIGHT HERE!

Ten stops (steps) on your Remodel Roadmap

Step 1: Figure out if you ready for a remodel.

Step 2:  Clear the decks ( this means banish clutter).

Step 3:  Determine what you really NEED from your update (and what you want as well).

This is a really big one. Linger here!

Step 4:  Become the ultimate expert in the house you have right now so you know where you’re starting.

Step 5:  Get smart about how the building and zoning codes in your area affect your plans so you can avoid surprises.

Step 6:  Hopscotch the common Mid-century house problems  by standing on the shoulders of the Mid mod remodelers who’ve come before you.  

Step 7:  Gather Ideas & Inspiration – and keep them organized in a way that works for you (phone, computer, paper or a combination).

Step 8:  Pull all of that create your master plan (the giant wish list of everything you could do).


Step 9:  Figure out your remodel scale; is this happening all at once, in phases? Is it large small, DIY or hired out?   


Keep Listening: NEXT week I’m going to be talking about how to plan Do-able, DIY-able Remodel to suit your life in the new Covid-constrained reality. Stay tuned!

Step 10:  Coordinate and carry out the work, at your own pace, in your own way.  

Grab your Roadmap Download

Again … this is a lot to throw at you in a quick list.  Again, that’s why I’ve included ALL of the things I’m talking about today in the handy Roadmap download. 


Hey do you need help pivoting from your remodel plans in the before times to a remodel that can actually help you and your family feel comfortable at home in the new normal? I’m giving a masterclass on JUST THAT TOPIC coming up soon. Sign up here to get an invitation to the free live class as soon as it opens!

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Resources to help you roadmap your remodel Mentioned in this Episode