
Perfect Your Mid-Century Front Door

29 min readMid-century modern is so in right now, people are popping neutra type house numbers and modbox mailboxes onto just about any house type.

Note: this was originally posted in January of 2019. It has been updated and now includes a podcast episode and clinic for those who’d rather listen/watch than read!

Listen to last week’s Curb Appeal Lunch & Learn in podcast format right here!

We co-hosted a fun, front door focused Curb Appeal Lunch & Learn with Modern House Numbers. Catch that replay right here:

Mid-century modern has become such a buzzword, that people are applying it to just about any style element. How can you be sure you’re making true mid mod calls for your mid-century home?

You are in luck, Ranch Owner, because the mid-century front door was made for your house.  I’ll break down how you can get or make your own perfect Mid-Century front door. This works  whether you are simply aiming for a spin through Etsy or planning major renovation.

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3 Scales for your Mid-century Living Room Update

10 min readAs the proud owner of a mid-century ranch you’re probably looking for ways to enhance the mid-mod character of your home. Today let’s tune up your Mid-Century Living Room.

No matter how big your mid-century living room make-over dreams are, ALWAYS create a master plan for your whole home before you get started. You’ll be so glad you did. Prioritizing what really matters to you will allow you to budget your money and time for the best possible home you can create, and one that perfectly fits your lifestyle.

Today let’s look at how you can tune up a Mid-Century Living Room at three levels. The mid-century living room isn’t just a show-piece, its the heart of the home.

Continue reading “3 Scales for your Mid-century Living Room Update”

How to Plan a Mid-Century Renovation you’ll Love

10 min readWhen you’ve just bought a house, the new responsibilities can be overwhelming. Don’t worry. All you need is a great plan!

The right plan can help you figure out what will make you happiest and what is the best solution for your home.  You are in the driver’s seat with a road map, once you roll up your sleeves to fully plan a mid-century renovation.

Be confident you’re making the right choices for the right reasons!! Continue reading “How to Plan a Mid-Century Renovation you’ll Love”

How to find a Mid-Century Neighborhood

5 min readI’ll bet you love mid-century house hunting as much as I do – you’re reading this, after all. Here are some handy tips to find more mid mod fun all around you!

Wondering how you can find a Mid-Century Neighborhood or houses near you? Whether you are hoping to buy a mid century dream house of your own, or are just scoping for fun and inspiration, this will set you on your way.

If you found me through my instagram, you already know I collect the mid-century ranches that I spot and love in my travels and daily life. Check out my page on Mid-century Neighborhoods for some snippets of the mid mod hunting I’ve done recently!

Continue reading “How to find a Mid-Century Neighborhood”

How to Choose the Right 2x4s for your DIY Wall Building Project

2 min readNot all 2x4s are created equal and when you are taking on a construction project its important to start with a bunch of good ones.  

Life is hard enough without dealing with bowed, cupped, or twisted studs.  I’m getting ready to start framing the new walls in the basement and I wanted to get the job started well by picking the right lumber for the job.   Continue reading “How to Choose the Right 2x4s for your DIY Wall Building Project”