

[NEW VIDEO] Why I LOVE Mid-Century Ranch Houses

2 min readI’m taking the gospel of why we should all love Mid-Century Ranch Houses to as many different media as possible! Today: VIDEO!

It should come as no surprise to any regular of Mid Mod Midwest that I LOVE Mid-Century Ranch houses. Sometimes if feels all I can talk about! But there’s a good reason for that: Ranches ARE GREAT!!!

Check out this three minute video to learn why! Or just scroll down for a text summary if you are in more of a reading than a watching mood!

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Your Must Have Mid-Century Ranch Resource List

8 min readHere are my top 24 mid-century ranch resources for anyone considering updating an MCM home … or just wanting to know more about the period!

Here’s the list you need to get started with this Mid-Century thing OR to dig much deeper. Learn the history, get some great DIY and design tips, and set yourself up for continuing inspiration. These are two dozen of my favorite Mid-Century ranch resources and I use them on a regular basis.

Continue reading “Your Must Have Mid-Century Ranch Resource List”

What Every Ranch Owner Needs to Know about the History of the Midwestern Ranch

6 min readThe Midwestern Ranch arrived in the middle from both East and West Coast influences. Plus there was a local influence (pssst – it was Frank Lloyd Wright).

The Midwestern Ranch has many influences. If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you know how much I love a ranch. Today I’m digging into what I see as the  major inspirations of my local variety.

The Midwestern Ranch arrived here from both the East and West Coasts, where the two movements met and melded.

Continue reading “What Every Ranch Owner Needs to Know about the History of the Midwestern Ranch”

3 Scales for your Mid-century Living Room Update

10 min readAs the proud owner of a mid-century ranch you’re probably looking for ways to enhance the mid-mod character of your home. Today let’s tune up your Mid-Century Living Room.

No matter how big your mid-century living room make-over dreams are, ALWAYS create a master plan for your whole home before you get started. You’ll be so glad you did. Prioritizing what really matters to you will allow you to budget your money and time for the best possible home you can create, and one that perfectly fits your lifestyle.

Today let’s look at how you can tune up a Mid-Century Living Room at three levels. The mid-century living room isn’t just a show-piece, its the heart of the home.

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Your Sustainable Mid-century Remodel: Why and How

13 min readHave you ever considered remodeling your mid-century ranch is an act of radical sustainability?

Think about it! There are 15 million of these modestly-sized, well-built houses across America located in walkable neighborhoods close to local businesses and schools. Taking on a sustainable mid-century remodel means helping people occupy them, love them and preserve them. In doing so, you prevent their demolition to build something larger or just building new homes on greenfield land elsewhere, and this is a significant environmental win.

Yes, mid-century modern style is cool and fun, but more than that – coming up with design tools to help 15 percent of US housing stock stay relevant is IMPORTANT WORK.

Continue reading “Your Sustainable Mid-century Remodel: Why and How”

Why you need some updates to get a modern mid-century kitchen RIGHT

7 min readThe definition of a true mid-century era kitchen is not the laminate counter tops and pastel appliances.  You can recognize a classic ranch kitchen by its layout and by the driving philosophy behind it.

The “retro” look of an original kitchen can charm you or turn you off but the important updates needed for a MODERN mid-century kitchen are much more than cosmetic.  Let’s talk about how kitchens (and the people who use them) have changed in the past 60 odd years!

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Mid-Century Materials: A Valentine to Natural Wood

6 min readMid-century designers loved showing off the gorgeous grain of natural wood. They used it to clad their walls, floor and ceiling, as well as for cabinets and furniture. Looking for a great mid mod material? Look no further than warm-toned wood.

When you’re a proud owner of a mid-century home considering updates, start by taking stock of what mid mod characteristics you have on hand. While you catalog the mid-century features your house has to offer, note all the parts made from natural wood.

If your home turns up short on mid-century charm, you can take action and improve it. Start by adding more natural wood elements. Think: Continue reading “Mid-Century Materials: A Valentine to Natural Wood”

How to Plan a Mid-Century Renovation you’ll Love

10 min readWhen you’ve just bought a house, the new responsibilities can be overwhelming. Don’t worry. All you need is a great plan!

The right plan can help you figure out what will make you happiest and what is the best solution for your home.  You are in the driver’s seat with a road map, once you roll up your sleeves to fully plan a mid-century renovation.

Be confident you’re making the right choices for the right reasons!! Continue reading “How to Plan a Mid-Century Renovation you’ll Love”

Exploring Mid-Century Color: Cherokee Red

6 min readLong before the millennial Mid Mod craze for grey painted houses with color pop doors, the color people chose to say “I’m in with Mid-Century architecture In-Crowd” was a particular shade of dark brick red.  

Searching for a bold Mid-century Color? Cherokee Red (with a few variations) was the signature color of the early mid century period.

Cherokee Red defied the soft-spoken powder blue and baby pink color schemes of milder and more traditional post-war homes.  It made its mark before the 60’s Mod drive toward bright orange flowers and avocado appliances.  Cherokee Red was the color of choice especially among the mid-century architects who trained with Frank Lloyd Wright at his Taliesin schools. Continue reading “Exploring Mid-Century Color: Cherokee Red”

Progress: Breezeway to Mudroom Conversion (Part 3)

8 min readTurning your breezeway into a mudroom is a great way to connect your garage and house. This kind of breezeway to mudroom transition is perfect for many mid-century ranch houses with detached or semi-detached garages. Here’s what I’m doing!

Two weeks ago, when I posted about installing my DIY windows,  I promised I’d talk about what’s going on behind that pretty cedar wall.  Here’s the progress update  on my journey to transform a useless breezeway into a practical mudroom with some bonus garage storage! 

I’ll go over not only WHAT I’ve been doing but also WHY it is important and HOW you can start thinking about the same solutions for your home. Continue reading “Progress: Breezeway to Mudroom Conversion (Part 3)”