
Basement Progress: Electrical Rough In

< 1 min readIn what was actually one of the easiest steps in the whole basement project – a day and a half of concentrated work by me, my dad, and our fabulous electrician Terry Kuehn – we made some of the most concrete-feeling progress. We’ve created order from chaos from order!

We have the electric boxes, cans and wiring installed!   In what was actually one of the easiest steps in the whole basement project – a day and a half of concentrated work by me, my dad, and our fabulous electrician Terry Kuehn – we made some of the most concrete-feeling progress.  Now there are just a few last items to check off before we get our electrical and framing inspections, install insulation and then call the drywallers! 

We started the day out hauling in supplies: can light housing, outlet and switch boxes, and coils of Romex.  By 36 hours later we’d created a neatly organized set of circuits ready for power.  My dad and I focused on the grunt work – nailing up cans and boxes, drilling holes in studs and pulling wire.

Meanwhile, our electrician tackled the remaining mess of existing wiring lurking around the back of the basement – the boxes that were too tangled and scary for us to remove, even with all proper precautions.  He kept checking in with us and moving us forward on our end at the same time – I was blown away by his ability to multi-task.  Here’s the worst of the octopus J-boxes he had to tame:


Can’t wait for what comes next!